Sometimes exercise and diet are not enough to achieve that desired flat tummy. Let the team at Parkins Plastic Surgery explain why a Tummy Tuck might be the right option for you.
Contact parkins plastic surgery for a tummy tuck consultation.
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) FAQ
Am I a Good Candidate?
When exercise and diet are not enough to address a bulging mid-section, or if you have excess skin in the abdomen area that you would like tightened or removed, a Tummy Tuck would be for you.
What Does a Tummy Tuck Involve?
You will be made comfortable by our board-certified anesthesiologist, incision in the lower abdomen, then fat and skin removal with muscle tightening or rectus diastasis repair. No overnight stay required.
Does Tummy Tuck Involve Liposuction?
Yes. Dr. Parkins includes liposuction in your Tummy Tuck procedure as the removal of excess fat is quite common in order to achieve optimal results, in addition to addressing skin laxity in the abdomen area.
Why Dr. Parkins?
Dr. Parkins offers a female perspective on Tummy Tuck and provides a compassionate environment where desired results can be fully expressed and understood. Guided by a philosophy of personalized care, she knows no two patients are alike.
As founder of Parkins Plastic Surgery, Milwaukee-area board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Maida Parkins emphasizes patient-centered care to safely achieve beautiful, natural-looking results.
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