Balance Your Features at the Milwaukee and Madison Area’s Parkins Plastic Surgery

At Parkins Plastic Surgery we understand the power of a well-defined chin in transforming your appearance and boosting your self-confidence. A chin augmentation (also known as a genioplasty) can offer a solution for patients who want to alter the appearance of their chin or jawline. Chin implants are made of silicone and vary in size and projection, allowing Dr. Lucas Boehm to provide you with a custom result, unique to your facial structure and aesthetic goals.
A chin augmentation in the Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area by Dr. Lucas Boehm can enhance your facial harmony and redefine your jawline, helping you achieve the look you desire.

Price Starts At


Estimate Varies Based on Consultation

What's Included

What Makes a Good Chin Augmentation Candidate?

Women and men whose chin is under projected or “weak” can benefit from a chin augmentation surgery. This helps strengthen the jawline, improve facial symmetry, and often provides a more youthful looking profile. A consultation with Dr. Lucas Boehm at the Madison and Milwaukee Area Parkins Plastic Surgery can help determine if you would benefit from a chin augmentation procedure.

Personalized Chin Augmentation Consultations for Milwaukee and Madison

Dr. Boehm prioritizes the procedures he suggests to to patients to compliment their unique unique features and aesthetic goals. This process starts with a personalized, thorough consultation that includes a brief physical exam so he can address your concerns and determine the ideal approach. This consultation encourages patients to ask any questions they have, converse about their desired aesthetic, and allows Dr. Boehm to talk about his own experience and approach to chin augmentation surgery one-on-one with the patient. Dr. Boehm emphasizes educating his patients so that they feel comfortable and confident under his care. It’s this approach that makes our boutique practice unique. After examining the chin, Dr. Boehm can detail your treatment plan.

VECTRA 3D Imaging System

Parkins Plastic Surgery is excited to announce our newest addition– the incredible VECTRA 3D Imaging Camera! VECTRA’s lifelike 3-D simulation will give you a complete preview of how your results are likely to appear on your body* – not an approximation on a model. With VECTRA, you can experiment with different surgical options and work with your surgeon to develop the best cosmetic plan for you. Have confidence in your decision with the VECTRA 3D Imaging System at Parkins Plastic Surgery! 

The VECTRA Face Sculptor takes measurements of multiple facial features including the nose, chin, cheeks, and neck. Then, Dr. Boehm can sculpt the desired area to give a simulation on what your surgical results will look like*. The VECTRA software is a fantastic tool for patients to visualize surgical procedures such as a rhinoplasty, genioplasty (chin augmentation), facelift/necklift, and submental liposuction. A side-by-side comparison with a pre-surgical photo and the simulation helps patients feel more confident in their cosmetic decision. Patients love this feature because they can see their simulated results instantly. 

*Individual results may vary 

What Are the Benefits of a Chin Augmentation?

There are many reasons to choose chin augmentation surgery. Some patients pursue this procedure after trying dermal fillers only to discover that this option does not provide enough correction for them to achieve the profile they desire. The advantages of chin augmentation surgery include the following, among many others:

Enhanced Facial Balance

Achieve harmonious proportions by bringing your chin into balance with the rest of your features. Dr. Boehm will carefully analyze your facial anatomy to create a customized treatment plan that complements your natural beauty.

Defined Jawline

Strengthen your jawline and create a more sculpted appearance. Chin augmentation can provide a sleek contour, helping to reduce the appearance of a weak or recessed chin.

Boost Self-Esteem

A well defined chin can significantly improve self-esteem and increase overall confidence. Feeling comfortable with your features is one of the biggest reason patients get chin augmentation surgery. By enhancing your facial harmony, you’ll feel more comfortable in your own skin and exude a renewed sense of self-assurance.

What Does Chin Augmentation Surgery Involve?


Chin augmentations are performed under general anesthesia. General anesthesia puts the patient to sleep before surgery. Overall, anesthesia is very safe for most patients. Some health factors can increase the risk of complications during surgery for certain patients because of the interactions with anesthesia. Talking about these factors with your primary care physician and Dr. Boehm before surgery is essential to reduce as much risk as possible.


The incision to place the implant for a chin augmentation is very small and is typically underneath the chin. Once healed, it is nearly imperceptible as it blends with the surrounding skin.


You will recover from your surgery in our Lake Country surgical center. The surgical center is in the same building where you meet Dr. Boehm and the Parkins Plastic Surgery team for all of the pre-op and post-op appointments. Chin augmentations are outpatient procedures, so you can return home to start recovering under the care of a family member/loved one.

Recovery After Chin Augmentation Surgery

Patients can expect to take at least 1 week away from work after chin augmentation surgery. For the first few days after surgery, patients are on a cycle of medication and rest. After 7-10 days, much of the initial swelling and bruising will resolve and patients will see their results mature. Depending on your comfort level in working and professional environments, you can get back to your normal routine in 5-7 days, with a limitation in physical exertion to maximize your health and safety.

What Sets Dr. Boehm Apart for Chin Augmentation Surgery?

In addition to his surgical skill, Dr. Boehm is known for his compassion and sensitivity to patients’ needs. Instead of taking a standardized approach, he treats every chin augmentation as a unique procedure. This commitment to personalization also extends through the Parkins Plastic Surgery staff. Feeling at ease and confident in the surgery and its results allow patients to recover more quickly.

The first step in your chin augmentation journey is a meeting with the team at Parkins Plastic Surgery. This gives you the perfect opportunity to get to know the staff and ask any questions you have about chin augmentation. We believe in thorough patient education and use this initial visit to help patients understand what they can expect. The consultation will be a one-on-one, no-obligation visit with Dr. Boehm. He will review your medical history and go over any areas of your body that you would like to address with plastic surgery.

FAQS About Chin Augmentation Surgery

Will Scars Be Visible?

Chin augmentation incision lines are minimal and well-hidden underneath the chin. When properly cared for, they typically heal well and appear very faint. Using silicone scar cream, SPF, and other techniques can aid in the scar-healing process.

Can I Have Other Cosmetic Procedures Done During My Chin Augmentation?

Yes, other cosmetic procedures can be paired with chin augmentation surgery. Before your in- person consultation, you will briefly discuss any and all interested procedures with our surgical coordinator to properly plan for when you meet with Dr. Boehm. Any questions about your surgical plan can be discussed with Dr. Boehm at your consultation.

More Procedures and Treatments to Complement a Chin Augmentation

In addition to chin augmentation surgery, Dr. Boehm may suggest liposuction performed under the chin and along the jawline to enhance the result of your chin augmentation. In certain circumstances he may suggest a lower facelift or neck lift as a way to emphasize the appearance of the chin.

Contact the Parkins Plastic Surgery team at (262) 269-1050 or send a message online for more information about chin augmentation (genioplasty) surgery in the Milwaukee or Madison area today!


Call our beautiful office in Oconomowoc at (262) 269-1050 or send our team a message online to get started with a chin augmentation by Dr. Lucas Boehm in the Madison and Milwaukee Wisconsin area.


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